Opposing and Synergistic NutrientsSome minerals oppose or fight each other and therefore are best taken separately. Minerals may be in opposition for the following reasons:
Please note: Ideally opposing ionic minerals would be separated by taking them at least 30 - 45 minutes apart. That allows time for the body to take the first mineral into its cells before the second mineral arrives. Should it be impractical to delay between taking the opposing minerals, taking both at once is more advantageous than not taking them at all. While some minerals oppose each other, other nutrients are synergistic. Synergistic nutrients enhance each other's functionality or help the body to utilize them. For instance iron could be added to orange juice. The vitamin C in the orange juice helps the body to assimilate the iron. Therefore vitamin C and iron are synergistic. The following list is not all-inclusive. It was compiled by Annette Hasalone-Eve, N.D. as a guide to help us make informed decisions concerning nutritional supplementation.
Calcium at night as it tends to relax
– opposes potassium and magnesium.
Magnesium taken in the morning as it maintains
nerve conduction – opposes calcium.
Potassium taken in the morning – opposes
Zinc taken in the morning as it opposes
copper and calcium.
Copper taken at night as it opposes zinc.
Phosphorus taken in the morning as it
opposes calcium.
Sodium taken either morning or night.
Chromium taken either morning or night.
Iron taken in the morning hours away from
other nutrients.
Manganese taken in the morning – opposes
calcium and copper.
Molybdenum taken in the morning – opposes
Selenium taken in the morning – opposes
Sulfur taken in the morning – opposes