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Hair Analysis
Should You Have One?

Everyone can benefit from a hair analysis.  It not only gives you accurate mineral level information of what is happening in the tissues of the body but it can also provide you with information regarding heavy metals.  Hair analysis can tell you about your metabolism and the various systems throughout your body.  Even if you are not experiencing a serious problem, abnormal changes in body chemistry and nutritional deficiencies may result in early, subtle changes in the body.  These changes, if caught early, can be corrected allowing an avoidance of more severe or life threatening conditions.  Hair analysis is an invaluable screening tool which allows a correct program of diet and supplementation to be designed for each individual's specific needs.  Never before has there been available a metabolic blueprint with such a degree of applicable scientific accuracy.

Hair analysis is available through Dr Rudy Byron.

Byron Health and Healing Center

Are you searching for effective solutions for regaining your health and vitality? Are you bothered by chronic fatigue? Do you wish you had more energy? Would you like to look and feel years younger? 

As an integrative concierge-type medical practice, our focus is on treating the whole person, not just symptoms or conditions. The Byron Health and Healing Center balances conventional medicine with evidence-based complimentary therapies to improve patient health and quality of life.

Dr. Byron believes every individual is unique. He has helped countless patients achieve their wellness goals by providing highly personalized patient care. Byron Health and Healing Center is committed to helping you realize your best health.

Discover more about our patient-centered care and services. Call (262) 672-6393 to schedule an appointment.

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